Tokyo, Japan, April 1, 2010 - Following the completion of the business integration of the former Renesas Technology Corporation and NEC Electronics, Inc. Ltd. announced on April 1, 2010 that the newly established Renesas Electronics Co. The company officially launched its commercial operations. Renesas Electronics is focusing on a wide range of products including MCUs (microcontrollers), SoC solutions SoC solutions, analog and power devices.
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Tokyo, Japan, April 1, 2010 - Following the completion of the business integration of the former Renesas Technology Corporation and NEC Electronics, Inc. Ltd. announced on April 1, 2010 that the newly established Renesas Electronics Co. The company officially launched its commercial operations. Renesas Electronics is focusing on a wide range of products including MCUs (microcontrollers), SoC solutions SoC solutions, analog and power devices.

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1:Mobile Communication; 2:Automotive Electronics; 3:PCIAV

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